ADE Easy Glide 1 L


Fantastic when the dirt and stains are tough to remove on shop windows on busy roads, workshops, industrial premises etc.

Extremly good for window cleaning on energy glass (together with ADE Diamond Window soap). Gives very good glide then.
As ammonia but comfortable to work with.

  • Very good for window cleaning in areas with a lot of exhaust gas / dirt / nicotine
  • Solves very well - also removes spindle tracks
  • Environmentally friendly (in class with the Swan labeling)
  • Add in the bucket with water and ADE Window soap / ADE Diamond
  • With properties like ammonia, but less dangerous 
  • Window frames are not required to be covered as it is used diluted, but remember to dry afterwards
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Gives extra good glide for regular window cleaning.

May react to linseed oil paint. Test on small surfaces before use.

Collections: All, Soap & Scrub Pads

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