
Only for business customers

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This web-shop is for business customers only in Europe. All orders are shipped and handled by BlackDiamond in Denmark or our local resellers. All prices are displayed in Euro, but you can see the price in your local currency by selecting it in the upper right corner.
All prices are excluded sales tax. All Danish customers and EU customers without a VAT/Tax ID number are subject to 25% sales tax (moms)
 For further product or comapy information please visit our homepage at www.BlackDiamondSqueegee.com
BlackDiamond Squeegee IVS   Tax ID# DK39781492 (CVR)   Sct. Anna Gade 65   3000 Helsingør   Denmark

Phone: +45 53564350   e-mail: cs@blackdiamondsqueegee.com  



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